Send Out Cards Review: If you regularly find yourself wanting to let people know you are thinking of them, then Send Out Cards may be perfect for you. You can pick from many cards, customize your greeting and they will print and mail it for you. This can save you the time of having to run and find one at the store. You also avoid the possibility of forgetting to mail it. They provide services for both businesses and individuals. Your card will be printed and sent out on their very next production run.
Their reminder service can also come in handy. Use their calendar to put in the dates and they will make certain you know about every occasion that is coming up. Whenever a special card or gift may be needed, you will not have to worry about forgetting.
Along with your chosen card, they also allow you to purchase and include any one of several gift options. If you prefer not to use their reminder service, you can just log-in to your account and send a card at anytime you choose.
One issue that may turn a lot of people off from using their service is the fact that you cannot see the prices. In order to find out what the cards and service costs, you have to create an account on their site. You cannot even see the inside of the cards or specific details. If you click on them to look, you are taken to a log-in page. None of the prices are shown, in advance, anywhere. Many people are going to be leery of providing their contact information for a service they are not yet sure they are going to use. This just sets off many warnings.
I really cannot think of anyone that agrees to purchase something, without knowing the price ahead of time. Before they give a company all their personal information, certain details are a necessity. It is also almost impossible to discover how to create a personal account. There are tons of options on their site that direct you how to do it to become a distributor, but not for an individual. I looked for nearly an hour and finally was forced to surrender in defeat.
Not only do you have to provide your information, but the details on the people you want to send cards to, as well. It can be questionable as to how much you should trust a company that hides so much of their information. I value my privacy and certainly would not want my friends and family giving it out under these conditions.
There are many that may find looking through their cards easier than picking one out at a nearby store. They do provide a huge variety, which can allow you to select the perfect one in much less time. The fact that they print on-demand also means you can customize them much more than an off-the-shelf card. The ability to have it sent with the gift of your choice will also appeal to many, many people.
It is easy to see why some people may like using the Send Out Cards service and how it can save them a lot of time. But, you can also see why many people would opt-out and rather pick and mail cards on their own. They do not tell you who is printing them out and mailing them for you. - 31406
Their reminder service can also come in handy. Use their calendar to put in the dates and they will make certain you know about every occasion that is coming up. Whenever a special card or gift may be needed, you will not have to worry about forgetting.
Along with your chosen card, they also allow you to purchase and include any one of several gift options. If you prefer not to use their reminder service, you can just log-in to your account and send a card at anytime you choose.
One issue that may turn a lot of people off from using their service is the fact that you cannot see the prices. In order to find out what the cards and service costs, you have to create an account on their site. You cannot even see the inside of the cards or specific details. If you click on them to look, you are taken to a log-in page. None of the prices are shown, in advance, anywhere. Many people are going to be leery of providing their contact information for a service they are not yet sure they are going to use. This just sets off many warnings.
I really cannot think of anyone that agrees to purchase something, without knowing the price ahead of time. Before they give a company all their personal information, certain details are a necessity. It is also almost impossible to discover how to create a personal account. There are tons of options on their site that direct you how to do it to become a distributor, but not for an individual. I looked for nearly an hour and finally was forced to surrender in defeat.
Not only do you have to provide your information, but the details on the people you want to send cards to, as well. It can be questionable as to how much you should trust a company that hides so much of their information. I value my privacy and certainly would not want my friends and family giving it out under these conditions.
There are many that may find looking through their cards easier than picking one out at a nearby store. They do provide a huge variety, which can allow you to select the perfect one in much less time. The fact that they print on-demand also means you can customize them much more than an off-the-shelf card. The ability to have it sent with the gift of your choice will also appeal to many, many people.
It is easy to see why some people may like using the Send Out Cards service and how it can save them a lot of time. But, you can also see why many people would opt-out and rather pick and mail cards on their own. They do not tell you who is printing them out and mailing them for you. - 31406
About the Author:
Are you ready to explode your Send Out Cards Business? I have found a better way.. And I am giving it away for free. Learn how to build your Send Out Cards business using the internet and attraction marketing. Get access to my marketing blueprint by visiting