Everyday there are new magic tricks selling in the market. To tell you the truth, many of them are produced using one thousand year old methods. You too can produce an innovative magic effect by using old principles. For example, the old decanter trick is used to produce a handkerchief in a transparent decanter. We can change the appearance of the trick by switching the objects used in the effect. We could use a wine bottle instead of the decanter, or a rubber water bottle or anything else. We could produce a belt instead of a handkerchief, or anything that works. You can reproduce ten thousand new effect just by substituting the props.
Sometimes a very little change made in an old magic effect can make a huge difference. The change may be even smaller than using a different container. We now compare another trick that look completely different from the decanter trick, but in fact utilizes the very same thread pulling principle.
The Spider Web Trick is also to produce something by pulling the object quickly into view just as the decanter trick. The spider web trick still uses a thread which is the most important part of the trickery. But Orrin switched a card for the handkerchief. A cool spider figure is used instead of a transparent decanter. A disc decorated to look like a spider web is used instead of a plain table.
Orrin made an important change to the trick or even the principle by changing the moving part from the appearing object to the appearing location. He produced the card by moving the spider quickly. And moreover, he turned the web and let the thread to wrap around to produce the tension to pull the card. Originally, a hiding assistant or a counterweight is used as the driving tension. The magician pulled the thread himself by turning the web disc. This excellently covered the pulling action.
I don't suppose Mr. Orrin consciously went through the various steps of deliberate substitution, working from the old decanter trick, as outlined here. But it could have been produced in that manner.
The follow steps can be gone through to produce the spider trick. Firstly, the appearing object is changed to a spectator chosen card instead of a handkerchief. Secondly, the location of appearance is completely changed to a spider figure instead of the original transparent decanter. Thirdly, the magician pulled the thread himself instead of using a helping assistant. Fourthly, the location of appearance is moved with high speed instead of the produced object. Fifthly, a camouflaged background is used to cover the thread, the path, the secret pocket and the action. This makes it a much more deceiving magic effect.
It may seem that the decanter trick and the spider web trick are completely different magic effects. But after analysis, we see that they are much related. Readers can also produce new tricks by changing some elements in an old trick. - 31406
Sometimes a very little change made in an old magic effect can make a huge difference. The change may be even smaller than using a different container. We now compare another trick that look completely different from the decanter trick, but in fact utilizes the very same thread pulling principle.
The Spider Web Trick is also to produce something by pulling the object quickly into view just as the decanter trick. The spider web trick still uses a thread which is the most important part of the trickery. But Orrin switched a card for the handkerchief. A cool spider figure is used instead of a transparent decanter. A disc decorated to look like a spider web is used instead of a plain table.
Orrin made an important change to the trick or even the principle by changing the moving part from the appearing object to the appearing location. He produced the card by moving the spider quickly. And moreover, he turned the web and let the thread to wrap around to produce the tension to pull the card. Originally, a hiding assistant or a counterweight is used as the driving tension. The magician pulled the thread himself by turning the web disc. This excellently covered the pulling action.
I don't suppose Mr. Orrin consciously went through the various steps of deliberate substitution, working from the old decanter trick, as outlined here. But it could have been produced in that manner.
The follow steps can be gone through to produce the spider trick. Firstly, the appearing object is changed to a spectator chosen card instead of a handkerchief. Secondly, the location of appearance is completely changed to a spider figure instead of the original transparent decanter. Thirdly, the magician pulled the thread himself instead of using a helping assistant. Fourthly, the location of appearance is moved with high speed instead of the produced object. Fifthly, a camouflaged background is used to cover the thread, the path, the secret pocket and the action. This makes it a much more deceiving magic effect.
It may seem that the decanter trick and the spider web trick are completely different magic effects. But after analysis, we see that they are much related. Readers can also produce new tricks by changing some elements in an old trick. - 31406